Sunday 19 October 2008

Why some things are more important for women than for men?

Every person has a lot of habits and many of them appear in the early years of life. Some people like milk and others prefer water, some like ironed clothes and others hate them. We live with these habits and even don’t imagine that other people can’t stand the things which are common for us. This matter becomes a real problem when a couple gets married as different things which you are used to doing seem ridiculous to your partner.

If we ask women what things irritate them in their husbands most of all, we will hear relatively the same: dirty socks somewhere on the floor, dirty dishes in the living room, clothes spread over the flat and so on. It’s almost impossible to stop men doing things like that. But why is it so?

As a matter of fact men do not care much about the house chores, because it doesn’t seem important for them. When a man is at home after a hard working day, the only thing he wants is to watch TV, listen to music or read a newspaper. He is tired and he cannot think about such silly things as where he should put his socks. On the other hand women cannot close their eyes at such disorder in the house.

How can husbands change this situation? The first thing they should understand is that their wives are not their mothers or babysitters, but sometimes they have to take care of men as if they are children. The house for a woman is her castle and everything should be in order, that’s why she does her best to make it look tidy. Men have a nasty habit of spoiling this!

In regard to man’s nature he cannot force himself to make such matters important for himself but he can understand why they are important for a woman. If there is a desire to live in peace with your wife, the best way is to understand and to consider everything from her perspective at all times.

1 comment:

The Relationship Company said...

Just wanted to say.. great post.........