Friday, 19 September 2008

Show your soul through your eyes

Wise people say eyes are the mirror to the soul. Our eyes reflect our fears and our hopes. It is always easier to communicate with people who keep good eye contact during the conversation, primarily because when they look at you they show you that they are listening to what you have to say. From your point for view, you can easily judge whether what you say excites the person you are talking to, upsets them or makes them bored. This quick judgment allows you to adjust the conversation accordingly.

Women like to make this judgment quickly, as it is important to them to know what you think while they are talking to you. Therefore, eye contact is a very important part of the communication package that you offer them. Furthermore, you should bear in mind that women have an extraordinary ability to see things while they are not looking directly at you. Therefore, if she looks away or puts her eyes down, do not think that a quick check of your watch will not be noticed. It will be, so don’t do anything that you do not wish to be seen (this especially includes looking at other women).

Before I explain how to use eye contact to your advantage, it is important to outline what eye contact actually means. Looking directly at a person and into their eyes, without checking out immediate surroundings is keeping eye contact. Looking at a person without blinking is staring (which most women find too weird to cope with). Looking into a woman’s eyes without hearing a word that she has to say is considered staring as well as is generally not approved of.

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